Monday, March 8, 2010

The status quo is absolutely broken!

In an article by Rep. Chris Van Hollen is quoted as saying, "I think the trend is in the right direction because people see that the status quo is absolutely broken," on CNN's "State of the Union" about current Health-Care legislation.  Absolutely broken is strong language that recognizes none of the aspects of our current Health-Care system that make it the best in the world.

If I have a car that starts smoking a little, or that pulls to the left when I drive, I do not decide that I need to get a new electric car. Yes, having an electric car would mean that the smoking caused by oil getting into the cylinders would go away, and you could say that is good. A new car would presumably be well aligned when I by it, and not fighting a left steering car is good. The thing is, the new car will have a whole new set of challenges to deal with, maybe more inconvenient than what I am currently dealing with. My point is, if your car is smoking a little bit, you go have a new set of rings put in. If it pulls to the left, you go get an alignment. If the Health-Care system has some problems, you fix the problems individually, you don't nationalize it. What happened to the scalpel Obama talked about during his campaign?

The status quo for US Health-Care is better than most other places in the world. Sure, WE could make it better, and WE should, but WE definitely does not mean having the government do it for us. Obama likes to quote Voltaire saying, "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good", he should take his own advice.


  1. I wonder if his goal is health care, at all, or if this is some form of distraction?

  2. Thats a scary thought, although not one that is particularly rare.

    Look at this:

  3. Well I don't want to get too deep into conspiracy theories, but I will admit sometimes I feel like they are more likely than not.

    He said his goal was, wait,, I take that back,, I changed my mind....I am gonna fix it all.

    The level of arrogance is staggering.
