Friday, March 26, 2010

President Obama has offered to talk unconditionally

President Obama has offered to talk unconditionally...with Iran, but Israel is a different story.

This month Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Barack Hussein Obama.  For once our President didn't bow to the foreign leader, in fact, they didn't even have a photo op for reporters.

Apparently after Obama failed to secure a written promise from Israel to make concessions on settlements, he just walked out of the meeting.  Something tells me that is a little different than how he would treat Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the same situation...or Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz (who received both a bow and a photo op)...or the Japanese Emperor Akihito (also received a bow)..or even Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio (she also got a bow).  As he was leaving Obama said that the PM could continue to talk to his advisors and get back to him when he was ready to forget about the settlements.  Obama then excused himself from dining with Netanyahu and didn't even give him an iPod preloaded with Obama's Greatest Hits or a DVD set of American films.

What is the cause of this ridiculous treatment?  Obama is throwing a hissy fit because Israel announced new settlements in east Jerusalem earlier this month when VP Joe "this is a big #$%ing deal" Biden was visiting.  Biden on the other hand most likely thanked the PM for distracting the press from headlining whatever stupid thing he said while there.

So what is the moral of the story?  Don't stand in the way of Obama's historical Presidency.  Netanyahu must have forgotten that Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for...for...well...for nothing really, but that is the point, this could have been proof that Obama is going to bring peace to the middle east.  A word of advice to our other allies, just remember, it is all about Obama.

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