At the risk of being labeled a conspiracy theorist, I have an idea how this might play out.
Many "world leaders" have spoken of Obama's receipt of this award by stressing that, although he has not yet achieved anything regarding real peace, he has created hope, and there is a great expectation and responsibility accompanying this award. I am sure that when Obama arrives at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen this December he will be reminded of this expectation and responsibility.
Between Obama's penchant for apologizing for the US, his disregard for our founding documents, and the "never let a crisis go to waste" policy, he is a poster child for trading our sovereignty for world government rule. I am sure he has already chosen the pen he will use to sign the treaty, and Rahm Emanuel is crafting the sound bite to adorn Obama's teleprompter. Once he agrees to let a world government supersede our constitution and US law, he can insist that we have no choice on any number of issues because the world government has decided them already.
What could be so harmful about a Global Climate Treaty you say? The harm comes in many ways, for starters we are allowing a foreign body to dictate law to our nation. Any authority ceded to the UN threatens our ability as a nation to protect the inalienable rights we were are founded on. This has a direct impact on our liberty.
Although it is often implied that the UN is somehow pure in intention, it is just another political body, it's global nature making it more corrupt, not less. There are many competing nations, interested in treaties that will enable them to skew the playing field to their advantage. Indeed the idea of "fairness" says that the stronger, more advanced nations should endure more restrictions, greater cost, and greater penalties for failure to adhere. This has a direct impact on our economy.
At this conference "developed" nations are expected to finance the cost of the treaty and it's requirements. According to Connie Hegegaard, COP15 president (called COP15 because it is held in Copenhagen and it is the 15th in a series of conferences stemming from the 1992 Earth Summit in RIO), "They cannot just continue to talk about finance. They must show – prove – to the developing world, we know that we are going to pay..." Obligating our nation to finance a treaty run by the UN (notorious for corruption and embezzlement) will burden us in the midst of our current logarithmic expanse of national debt. This is a direct threat to our viability.
Yes, there is a reason for Obama's prize, just like there is a reason the God Father does you a favor. The real prize for Obama is his oversized ego getting stroked, and for that, I can imagine him doing anything.