Friday, October 23, 2009

A Reason Why

Many have wondered what could have motivated the Nobel Committee to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama. Not only has he not actually done anything other than scold everybody for not getting along, there we others nominated that had made great sacrifices and achieve real change for peace.

At the risk of being labeled a conspiracy theorist, I have an idea how this might play out.

Many "world leaders" have spoken of Obama's receipt of this award by stressing that, although he has not yet achieved anything regarding real peace, he has created hope, and there is a great expectation and responsibility accompanying this award. I am sure that when Obama arrives at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen this December he will be reminded of this expectation and responsibility.

Between Obama's penchant for apologizing for the US, his disregard for our founding documents, and the "never let a crisis go to waste" policy, he is a poster child for trading our sovereignty for world government rule. I am sure he has already chosen the pen he will use to sign the treaty, and Rahm Emanuel is crafting the sound bite to adorn Obama's teleprompter. Once he agrees to let a world government supersede our constitution and US law, he can insist that we have no choice on any number of issues because the world government has decided them already.

What could be so harmful about a Global Climate Treaty you say? The harm comes in many ways, for starters we are allowing a foreign body to dictate law to our nation. Any authority ceded to the UN threatens our ability as a nation to protect the inalienable rights we were are founded on. This has a direct impact on our liberty.

Although it is often implied that the UN is somehow pure in intention, it is just another political body, it's global nature making it more corrupt, not less. There are many competing nations, interested in treaties that will enable them to skew the playing field to their advantage. Indeed the idea of "fairness" says that the stronger, more advanced nations should endure more restrictions, greater cost, and greater penalties for failure to adhere. This has a direct impact on our economy.

At this conference "developed" nations are expected to finance the cost of the treaty and it's requirements. According to Connie Hegegaard, COP15 president (called COP15 because it is held in Copenhagen and it is the 15th in a series of conferences stemming from the 1992 Earth Summit in RIO), "They cannot just continue to talk about finance. They must show – prove – to the developing world, we know that we are going to pay..." Obligating our nation to finance a treaty run by the UN (notorious for corruption and embezzlement) will burden us in the midst of our current logarithmic expanse of national debt. This is a direct threat to our viability.

Yes, there is a reason for Obama's prize, just like there is a reason the God Father does you a favor. The real prize for Obama is his oversized ego getting stroked, and for that, I can imagine him doing anything.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama's Nobel Mood Prize

I can't say any headline has shocked me as much as the one I saw this morning, "Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize." What?!? He hasn't even achieved a treaty of peace for the parties to ignore yet, let alone any actual progress towards peace. They literally recognized him for changing the global mood! That would be like a football coach getting awarded coach of the year, after only being coach for a few game (mostly losses), because he gave a couple of inspiring speeches and everyone hopes his team wins.

Here is what the headline SHOULD have said, "World Community encourages Obama to continue degrading US interest so they can gain power."

Here is what was mentioned beyond the "change in global mood":

...his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism.

This is simply the One World tyrants cheering the man who is dismantling the only remaining super power. Did you catch that "diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism" lingo? That is code for "Not doing anything we don't approve of". Who is "we"? That would be all the other nations that want to be the most powerful on the planet, so ultimately they can act unilaterally.

Sure they mention reducing nuclear arms, but he hasn't achieved anything real in this area, and he won't. Why would I be so negative? Let me see, maybe because I know that Russia, China, North Korea, and every other nation with any sense (a list that is getting shorter all the time) would not get rid of their nuclear arms. I am not negative, I just know a little bit about humans nature.

What about reducing tension with Muslims? Well he sure has talked a lot about that, but last time I checked Islamic extremists and their supporters were definitely taking advantage of Obama's extended hand of friendship. Unfortunately for us, as Obama stands there with his hand extended (or in some cases bowing in submission to Arab leaders), the Muslims are continuing to pursue Allah's command to "Then fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, and besiege them and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush."

The very bad news is how this award will encourage those Americans who think it is unfair that the US can act unilaterally if we need to. I would expect Obama's apologies for the US being strong to continue, if not increase. The joke is on us, we are getting an award for being ashamed of our actual achievements and surrendering our hard won position of power to our global competitors.

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," said Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Committee.

Yes, I am sure he is getting the attention of the world’s leaders, and building their hope for a better future. Unfortunately for us, that better future includes transfering power and wealth to them from us. Yes, it is very rare that such an eloquent fool would be allowed to give away the hard won liberty of so many.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Living Life

OK, I am sure I will say this many times during the life of this blog....sorry for not posting anything.

It is Kendra's fault for doing her "Followers Say" and posting a bunch of things I HAD to comment on.

Anyway, it is not like many folks are reading, I guess I am appologizing to myself....weird.